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Samurai FIGHT!

Gcreate Graphic design in Caerphilly & Cardiff

Gcreate Graphic designer located in Cardiff & Caerphilly- Samurai FIGHT!

So if you follow this blog or maybe this is your first time, you remember I did a blog about my real first hand drawn logo and going through the process of having an original concept on paper, inking it in then proceeding with scanning it in and playing about with the lines on my computer to give it's own little style. You can check out that post here.

Well it turns out the client really liked how it turned out and want me to create another logo in a similar style for an Online Fight store 'Akuto Fight Store'. Here is the process again, not in so much detail this time but enjoy.

All these photos are from my instagram post, so if you want a little inside tip on what I'm currently doing I try to post work if I can remember at the time.

Gcreate Graphic design in Caerphilly & Cardiff

So it all starts with the pencil line. I always hate this stage as I personally always thinks it looks rubbish. But know once it gets to the vector stage it will give a lovely style.

Gcreate Graphic design in Caerphilly & Cardiff

I normally still don't really like the inking stage (even though I do enjoy inking the drawing itself) but at this stage I really started to like the image.

Gcreate Graphic design in Caerphilly & Cardiff

Now at the vector stage we start to see what the lines are going to look like, and with a few tweaks I can get bits to look thinner or thicker. However I mostly like the computer to add its own little style and give it's own little touch in a way. Love how the face came out, bit disappointed in the small demon head on the helmet however as it looks a bit cartoonish and its supposed to be as evil looking as the main head.

Gcreate Graphic design in Caerphilly & Cardiff

And here we have the final image, this was taken from my phone so you can't see too much detail (check the image at the top of the page to see the little bits) The client didn't really want me to spend too much time on this logo, however the more I spent on this project the more we both realised that adding that extra time would mean the logo would come out really well. While not over complicated, the gold parts really did take its time. On a side note you can also tell I been playing on steam.


If you enjoy this piece then please visit my facebook page, give it a like and share, and if you want your own logo created get in contact with me. Keep coming back for some more in depth posts on my graphic design work.

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